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What We Do:

We are in the change together!

Knowledge Designs to Change partners with foundations, grants professionals, collaboratives, non-profit intermediaries, and philanthropy-serving organizations and networks to design and implement knowledge processes that strengthen their strategies and activate social change.

The challenges in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors have never been greater. KD2Change believes that access to knowledge practice is an aspect of the power needed to address these challenges. Access includes having the means to ask questions, adapt methods to one’s own context and intentions, and creating ways to use knowledge processes to support strategies for positive social change.

Today, we have the opportunity to embrace knowledge work that is intentional, robust, creative, and influential. Knowledge work can involve various activities that include:

  • Reflective practices that help expand and deepen understandings of change efforts.
  • Systematic learning processes that enable organizations to recognize challenges and successes within their own values and strategic frameworks.
  • Landscape analyses which provide detailed views of relevant contextual factors that affect change work.
  • Evaluation which provides robust mechanisms for identifying effectiveness and possibility.
  • Documentation and demonstration for sharing understandings with a broader community or field.

Engaged research utilizes the above activities and additional methods to increase change potential.

KD2Change serves as a hands-on partner to identify knowledge opportunities, build capacity within organizations and networks, and co-design and implement your evolving knowledge approach.