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Knowledge Designs to Change

 Certificate Series

Knowledge work is not new, but it is an increasingly recognizable field within philanthropy and grant funded change efforts. The work is grounded in the history of social research demonstration projects, learning and evaluation efforts, and information management and technology. Today knowledge practitioners are embracing a more engaged approach that centers shared meaning making as the heart of knowledge work.

The Knowledge Designs to Change Certificate series builds on the practical desires of change agents involved in grant-funded efforts. The certificate embraces a partnership & coaching approach where individuals develop both awareness and hands-on skills in their own organization, community, or network. Participants can also tap into co-facilitation and analysis support, on an as-needed basis, if the work they are envisioning requires additional support.

Through the partnership, participants build capacity as we, together, and with a growing community of practice, activate a more grounded alignment of knowledge activities and equitable change intentions.

Whether you are new to knowledge work or looking to reflect and refresh your approach, this development series can support you in expanding, deepening, and strengthening your knowledge practice with a deep commitment to building equity potential.

The certification series is outlined below with benefits to participants and sponsoring organizations. Click here for PDF with additional details.

Introduction to Knowledge Designs to Change in the Social Sector

Focus: Awareness

Free webinar to support awareness and discussion of knowledge work in your organization or network.


Knowledge Designs Stage One

Focus: Embodying

Online course and basic certification providing key concepts, understandings and entry points to maximize the investment in knowledge work.

(Fee: $450.00)

Knowledge Designs Stage Two

Focus: Engaged Analysis

Joint online tutorial and one-on-one coaching through a Knowledge Opportunity Scan™ in a designated program or organization with attention to your specific mission and target change area.

(Starting at $4,500.00 — adjusted to project size)

Knowledge Designs Stage Three

Focus: Embracing

Individual coaching (and co-facilitation as needed) process for shared inquiry with partners, emphasizing lived experience analysis.

(Starting at $4,500.00 — adjusted to project size)

Knowledge Designs Stage Four

Focus: Activating

Co-author partnership to publicly share promising knowledge practice as aligned with equity commitments.

(Fee contracted based on scope of partnership)