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Knowledge Work in Today’s Philanthropy: Moving Beyond the Grantmaking Buzz

Knowledge work in philanthropy is not new. However, it is getting increased attention as more and more people identify the work that they are already doing with the idea of knowledge building. There are also greater numbers of people taking on roles related to collaborative research, learning systems, knowledge management, information technology and many more variations.

If we take out the jargon and focus on knowledge as “shared meaning making” we can together deepen our understandings and build shared practices for knowledge work, especially with the intention of more advancing social change.

Join Dr. Angela Frusciante of Knowledge Designs to Change to explore a brief history of knowledge work in the social sector; learn about entry points for aligning knowledge work with grant strategies; and discuss the questions and possibilities for embracing shared meaning making in your own context.

This one-hour session includes informational materials and resources along with ample time for questions and facilitated group discussion that will surface the emerging knowledge practice of participants.

Use this session to increase general awareness amongst your peers or networks, to invite partners into a creative equity-driven knowledge project you want to test, or to kick off a new knowledge function inside your organization.

Download a flyer here.