Services Overview
Knowledge Designs to Change works with your team to develop skills, co-design methods and systems, and implement knowledge processes that maximize your change goals. We support individuals, organizations, project teams, collaboratives, and networks through one-on-one coaching, courses, communities of practice, and engaged research activities.
KD2Change becomes your hands-on partner for aligning knowledge work with your strategic approach to strengthen your change efforts. Whether you are a foundation, grants professional, collaborative group, community-serving nonprofit, nonprofit intermediary, or philanthropy-serving organization or network, no effort is too big or too small for us.
- Partner with us to deepen understanding of target issues and increase strategy and program value. We work with organizations, of all types, to examine their key questions and put in place a methodology for gathering data and contributing to learning in those areas. Design and analytical conversations are intended to illuminate and strengthen strategy and action. We also conduct qualitative research and valuing processes that align with internal and external change strategy.
- Consult with us if you are investing in social change and are interested in capturing participant, organizational or network learning as essential to impact. Social change is hard to gauge with traditional evaluation data. It’s even harder to know whether an investment is making a difference. We work with partners to develop knowledge approaches that both enrich strategy and seek to capture the why and how of complex change. We can design group inquiry that captures the values and goals of core leadership and action teams so that the exploration and learning remains connected to on-the-ground decision making.
- Bring us in at any stage of your collaborative effort, from design to implementation, and in the role that best suits your existing staffing and collaborative needs. We work with collaborations of team members — internally, across organizations, and through broader public networks. We focus on building knowledge networks aligned with the specific stage and needs of your collaboration and strengthen the connections between collaborative practices and network effectiveness. We can serve as manager of learning efforts, as a liaison to partner organizations, and we can provide design and coaching where there are already knowledge staff in place.
- Engage with us if you want to develop knowledge processes, document change, and embrace concepts and structures that strengthen issue networks and maximize shared change strategy. Changemakers rely on information, shared approaches to social change, and spaces to construct meaning out of strategic efforts. We work with network builders to fine-tune knowledge approaches and create spaces to surface conceptual change as it is evolving through network action.