Energize your change efforts with a new knowledge approach!
Knowledge work is all about shared meaning making. Knowledge Designs to Change partners with foundations, grants professionals, collaboratives, community-serving nonprofits, nonprofit intermediaries, and philanthropy-serving organizations and networks to design and implement knowledge processes that strengthen their strategies and activate social change.
Maximize your change potential by targeting opportunities to align methods and social action.
Increase your change capacity by starting or refreshing a knowledge approach.
Sign up for Embodying Equity Inside and Out: A Knowledge Strategy Course for Changemakers
Build your skills while implementing knowledge systems and practices for change.
Develop creative research approaches through knowledge partnerships that energize action.
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Knowledge Design Basics Course!
Changemakers are often overwhelmed, disappointed, or even frustrated with traditional forms of assessment, evaluation, and social research.
We can create a better way!
This course will support you, your organization, members or grantees in embodying a new way of being through knowledge development practice. Explore how you can strengthen strategic decisions that enhance social change and promote a greater sense of ease in navigating the complexities of change efforts.
KD Certificate Series
The Knowledge Designs to Change Certificate series builds on the practical desires of change agents involved in grant-funded efforts. The certificate embraces a partnership & coaching approach where individuals develop both awareness and hands-on skills in their own organization, community, or network. Participants can also tap into co-facilitation and analysis support, on an as-needed basis, if the work they are envisioning requires additional support.
New Opportunity
Host a Knowledge Discussion
Join Dr. Angela Frusciante of Knowledge Designs to Change to explore a brief history of knowledge work in the social sector; learn about entry points for aligning knowledge work with grant strategies for social change; and discuss the questions and possibilities for embracing shared meaning making in your own context.
This one-hour session includes informational materials and resources along with ample time for questions and facilitated group discussion that will surface the emerging knowledge practice of participants.
Learn more
Featured Resources
Paper: Embrace Knowledge Opportunities for an Effective Grant Strategy Read more
Signature Offering
Is a Knowledge Opportunity Scan™ right for you?
Knowledge Opportunity Scan™ is a signature targeting process that is a great entry point for groups who want to strengthen or revisit and shift their change strategy. KOS helps you identify the places where focused inquiry, research, documentation, or structured dialogue can move your change strategy to greater impact.
If you answer YES to ANY of the following questions, a Knowledge Opportunity Scan™ could be right for you!
- Do you believe that the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors should be about positive social change?
- Do you want to strengthen your change strategy?
- Do you lean toward practice-based approaches to learning and growing?
- Do you like the idea that shared meaning-making is at the heart of change?